Blog 1
- On 18 February 2017
I like your new website a lot!
It’s a great opportunity to reflect on our partnership. I have had the pleasure of working for Todo for more than 20! years. When Monique receives an assignment from a client and thinks ‘this is really impossible’ – that’s when I often come into the picture. Our most amazing achievement was about 17 years ago when a contract for an energy company of, if I remember rightly, 86 pages had to be translated – for the next day!
Luckily I lived in Brazil at the time, where it was 5 hours earlier. By working through the night and hoping that my newborn son would stay quiet, I managed to get the translation to Monique on time the next morning … And that, in a nutshell, sums up our partnership: speed, passion, respect and, above all a healthy dose of humour!